Thursday, March 28, 2013

A bit of everything.

Straight out of the gate I'm bored and have nothing to do today. Lets play the bad new good news game.

Bad- Spring breaks almost over

good- Paydays tomorrow

Bad- i work tomorrow

good-Cyles turning out to be amazing

Bad- Davids Becoming an ass

Good- 5 days till the of mice and men and a day to remember concert

bad- i keep forgetting to take my morning meds

good- doesn't matter, I'm still tired anyway.

I'm running out of good things. this college stress is back. I've got to find $8000 by the time i start college, practically impossible. My dads giving me a lot of crap on how he cant afford it. No one said he'd have to, it's my thing to deal with.

So I'm limiting my caffeine intake. I'm done drinking Mt. Dew. I'm trying not to drink any at all but that's easier said than done.

I'm ready to go home and sleep. I really don't want to work tomorrow. Lisa just pisses me off. For some reason I cant fight the thought that I normally do something other than just sit and write.

I finally downloaded my music 1040 songs. Go me. about 200 of those will be erased I'm sure. I need to go get my tattoo touched up, it's looking ratchet.

Oh my god I just realized I get my data back tomorrow Yay!. Hopefully i can stay in check this time.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Never Gonna Sleep

Well let me tell you about my evening. I spent it with he best friend like always. We hit up the Mexican restaurant, apple bees, went tanning and visited walmart a few times.

Now its 4 in the morning neither of us are tired and were both suppose to be up and ready to leave for Manchester by 9. Sierra has an early class in which she has a test she needs to do but is trying to get it rescheduled. We've been working on posters all night. I love sierras. I'm a bit hesitant about mine though.

Well who knows if we'll actually go to bed before the visit but oh well its spring fucking break!

Monday, March 25, 2013


I'm always so tired. I guess I do it to myself. What with staying out to the wee hours of the night. It's worth it though. These are memories I will Always have and so what if I have to suffer through a little tiredness.

I guess you could call this a pre recorded blog entry. I'm at work right now that's why. Normally work goes really slow on the weekends but so far today it actually seems fast.

To all the people who went to Florida. Fuck off. It's snowing here and were suppose to get 6 inches. Ugh I don't really think we will get six inches but its just the thought. It's almost April and its still fucking snowing. Knock this shit off.

Friday, March 22, 2013

It doesn't just happen

Ok so i really hate it when people do something stupid and they say "one thing led to another" or "it just happened" really just own up to it. I kinda did something that i know i shouldn't of the other day and i told sierra about it and i couldn't even joke about it by saying it just happened.

I regret nothing and i own up to everything i did 100%. One day ill look back and reflect on how it changed me but right now i have some serious mixed feelings.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

More Hours!

Yay! this is such good new. Ive been getting barley 7 hours a week at my job. Now that Bella's switching over to CNA I get all of hers which raises me up to like 20 hours a week! HECK YES! i neeeeed the money.

Freak Out

Yea so I'm still have a small freak out over this English essay. If I don't get at least a B, I might as well drop out of the class. or school. theres no where or time  could go to make it up. I'm trying hard to make sure my papers s correct but she keeps springing last minute things on us like we have to have all are recourse's printed out. I can only print out 5/10. I already returned my books and its not like  can go get them because i have to work and go with my dad tonight. Ugh this is all so stupid.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Some art

I like to think this is just another way that I fight the norm. I do so many different things compared to most people. I like to be good at everything so I try to do everything.

I'm A Bit Pissy

Ok so I worked my ass off on an 8 page paper only to end up getting the worst grade in the class! I got an umm... 43%... i think that's the worst grade I've gotten since i was a sophomore. I've never been so upset! Granted i knew i wouldn't get a 100% but i thought id get better then a fucking F!

Its all because of that damn student teacher! I swear she teaches you nothing but wants you to know everything. What makes me even more mad is that I am one of the only ones in that damn class who was fucking nice to her! Sigh Now I've spent the last three days revising that whole paper. It better get me at least a B. I Have a D in the class. I never get grades that low. I'm a straight A student.

I know i sound like a winy nerd but I only have one semester left of high school and i just want to make sure that i have all good grades and that I don't ruin anything.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Is it wrong

okay so is it wrong that my best friend works at the local movie theatre and when she has to close she let me in for free to see the movie? i don't think it is. i mean life is all about the people you know and the connections you makes. this isn't me saying that I'm only friends with her because she can get me into movies but I'm just making a point,

Addiction Alert!

Maybe i have a vampire addiction which lets all be honest is completely lame. But my friend Bryan got my addicted to vampire diaries (Am i the only one that thinks its weird that a guy did this?) Anyway, now every moment of my free time is dedicated to watching all the episodes on netflix. I've actually gotten pretty far which is to be debatable on weather or not that's a good thing.

I don't its just a good show full of drama and suspense. Check that shit out if you can.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


My love for tanning will surely be the death of me. I love getting burnt and seeing how tan I get. I don't really like the whole part where my lips get burnt or the tops of my feet. I just want to get tan so i don't have to worry about burning in the summer plus i would like to look tan in my prom dress :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hello You There?

Wow i haven't posted in this blog since girls stat? where the hell have i been?! Okay I can be honest with you, I've been everywhere. in general I'm not surprised that i haven't posted in this blog mainly because high school has been kicking my butt!

I always thought senioritis was a joke... its not. trust me. and i always thought that scholarship were easy... there not. I don't know this whole thing has just been a whirlwind of events and I have no idea what the next step is. I know i need to do my housing and what not but how the hell do i do that. thank god for my visit coming up. The only crazy thing about it is that its going to be my mom and dad together.

I'm not sure what else i should say to be honest. So much has happened and yet nothing has. But i do plan on writing in this a lot more. well hopefully i do. fingers crossed.