Well once again its been a bit of time since I've posted anything. Things have been a bit of a roller coaster but nothing to bad. School has officially let out and that depresses me more then it really should. I'm actually suppose to go home today but I'm spending an extra night at Dylans. I'm just not ready yet. Theres been a lot of crazy boy drama in my life.
Gage has been texting my and informed me that when we drink together that if anything happens, I cant tell his girlfriend. HA! like anythings ever gonna happen!
Jordan and me drank together the other night which was fun until he felt me up and kissed me. Not saying I didn't mind but he has a girlfriend and that kinda kills me inside. Worst of all is that I realized that I'm still in love with him so theres that..
Eric just happens to be my new boyfriend. Hes ginger and 25. Has two degrees and I like him a lot but not as much as I like Buzbee.
Hunter is hunter. I feel slightly bad because right after the Jordan thing and right before me and eric got together I kinda slept with him. First time we had sex and it was actually good tho so theres that.
The there's Dylan. I have never met someone who means so much to me and someone who I've fallen for so hard. He really is different from everyone else. I am however I think finally getting over him. I need time and space!
Things are pretty solid with everyone. Nate and Holly are together now which is weird as all hell. Allison and Myles are Gucci. Nate broke up with his gal which made him sassy as heck. Dylan found a lady friend named Hannah which is causing not only him great distress but everyone around him as well. Eugene is Eugene. Our dear Jared is leaving us and then theres me, I'm just doing my thing.
I quit my job at the DG and hopefully have a job for next year as the media consultant for the athletics department. I also got a job as a SOL which is pretty rad.
Life is good
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